An example of the setup used with PHPMailer Print

  • 4

//setup phpmailer application; please use version => 5.2.9


$mail = new PHPMailer();         //creates an instance of the class

$mail->IsSMTP();                // telling the class to use SMTP--THIS LINE IS REQUIRED BY ABHOST
$mail->Host       = "";      // sets the SMTP server
$mail->Port       = 587;         // set the SMTP port for the server
$mail->SMTPSecure == "tls";      // enable TLS security

$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;        // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Username   = "";    // SMTP account username
$mail->Password   = "thisisabadpassword";   // SMTP account password

//the following line saves a lot of time finding out where badly formed emails are originating
$mail->AddCustomHeader("X-Sending-script-URL: /YourScriptName.php"); //note: spaces are not allowed before the colon

$mail->SetFrom('', '');

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